Bash is the free and enhanced version of the Bourne shell distributed with Linux and GNU operating systems. Bash is similar to the original, but has added features such as command-line editing. It is a command language that allows the user to work with files on computers in a way that’s far more efficient and powerful than using a GUI (graphical user interface).
Bash, though typically not capitalized, is an acronym for "Bourne-Again Shell" and is named after Stephen Bourne, the creator of the Unix shell "sh." Bash is a shell program written by Brian Fox as an upgraded version of Bourne Shell program 'sh'. It is an open-source GNU project.
In computing, a shell program provides access to an operating system's components. The shell gives users (or other programs) a way to get "inside" the system; the shell defines the boundary between inside and outside.
Bash is a legitimate interface to the computer, and it's not just for server admins and programmers. It can be desktop, word processor, graphics editing application, and much, much more.
Bash, like other CLIs (Command-line interface), is used for any computer application that requires precision when working with files and data, especially where large numbers of files or large quantities of data need to be searched, sorted, manipulated or processed in any way.
Bash supports all the commands of the original Bourne shell (sh), as well as many others. It also includes features from the Korn shell (ksh) and C shell (csh), such as command line editing, command substitution syntax, and command history.
Bash is the default login shell for most Linux distributions and Apple's mac OS. It is also accessible for Windows 10 with a version and default user shell in Solaris 11.
Bash/shell (i.e. the family of Linux command language interpreters) is the sixth most used language overall, ranking ahead of Python and R.
Bash - Bourne Again Shell
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