The term ‘trojan horse’ is used nowadays to describe something that appears to be a gift, but that actually is a trap. In the computer security, the term has materialized into ‘a program that appears to be cool, but that erases all files’.
A trojan horse is a type of computer program that programs an ostensibly useful function but contains a hidden function that compromises the host system’s security.
Every time trying to open Internet Explorer to surf the Internet, an error message reads "Failed to get data for 'ad' ", the next thing see is a dreaded illegal operation box and Internet Explorer gets shut down.
When navigating around My Computer or Control Panels, this message will appear although still can navigate the controls, despite the illegal message error.
This is an example of a Trojan. Trojans are not viruses; these are malware that are usually hidden in a.exe file that people download online.
Trojan can be pick up by opening an e-mail attachment containing one.
Scripting enables malicious Web sites to plan a Trojan onto the system when visitors visit the site. For example visitor got to hacker web site to download hacker tools or to learn about hacking. While downloading a file, the website may be planting a Trojan onto his system.
These programs also can be installed in a computer when user leaves the computer logged in when unattended.
Those on receiving end of a Trojan are usually tricked into opening them because they appear to be receiving legitimate software or files from a legitimate source.
Sometime after doing a complete system scan and one may assume that the virus checker caught it. About a week later, the symptoms can resurface.
Try using focused Trojan Remover software. Trojans are not Viruses, so people need a specialized Trojan Remover tool that is constantly updated to combat the multi variations of a single Trojan.
Trojan Problem
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