Selling and transacting can be done to the world wide web, which is the global combination of links, information, web pages and e-commerce websites. All of this delivered via the internet and infrastructure of computers all linked together.
The person can have the best product or service in the world; but if the website doesn’t provide intuitive navigation, offer an easy-to-use process for order and fulfillment and maintain high standard of quality control, you will never archive consistent customer satisfaction.
A website is an infinite number of web pages connected by a common theme and purpose. A good design is important to provide your customers with easy access to all of your website’s pages. The goal is to increase the business by making it easier for customers to shop, and if the website’s lack technology and marketing make it difficult for them, they may as well drive to the mall.
Careful considerations of the numerously design possibilities for website is essential. From technical perspective, e-commerce sites require a catalog, shopping cart and payment processing mechanism, at a minimum. More typical, though e-commerce sites encompass a wide range of advanced, value added feature.
Platform for e-business