In the emerging economy there is a new infrastructure, based on the internet, that is causing us to scrutinies most of our assumptions about the business. As a skin of networks - growing in ubiquity, robustness, bandwidth, and function - covers the skin of the planet, new models of how wealth is created are emerging.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Gender Online

Men, long stereotype the electronics and technology loving gender, don’t have a huge leg up online.

There has been a report the gap between the number of men and women online has narrowed to 4 percent or less.

Men prefer to seek out electronic, entertainment, and office supplies online. Women click sites health and beauty products, apparel and online greetings.

Even among experiences shared joints by men and women, such as travel and child rearing, women were much more likely to be found clicking around toy and children apparel web sites.

These patterns hold true when men and women stop clicking to open their online wallets and purses. Both men and women buy mostly books, music and computer online.

After the top trio, men buy more electronics, videos and travel arrangement. Women buy more beauty supplies, toys and clothing.

Men and women also differ in how they spend money online. Men were likely to buy online via auction sites.
Gender Online

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