In the emerging economy there is a new infrastructure, based on the internet, that is causing us to scrutinies most of our assumptions about the business. As a skin of networks - growing in ubiquity, robustness, bandwidth, and function - covers the skin of the planet, new models of how wealth is created are emerging.

Monday, June 10, 2013

What is the meaning of Internet Commerce

The internet is redefining relations between businesses and consumers enabling companies to sell their products and services around the globe on an unprecedented scale.

Shoppers can buy online at their convenience at any time and from anywhere.

It is necessary to distinguish terms e-commerce, e-business and internet commerce at the very start of the discussion.

There is a range of definitions for e-commerce relative to its perspective, may it be communications, business process, service or in the context of on-line business.

E-commerce can be defined as “the buying and selling of information, products and services via computer networks”.

While e-commerce encompass business activities that is conducted electronically, such as using the world wide web, the multimedia interactive component of the internet, telephone lines, leased lines and wireless, e-business can be understood as a superior set which extends the understanding of e-commerce to reflect the vision of the organization.

The goods or services are ordered over the internet, but the payment or ultimate delivery of the good or service may be conducted on or off line.

Internet or the information superhighway, has been well understood as the enabler or the enabling technology.

Subsequently, internet commerce refers to the marketing, selling and buying of products and services on the internet.
What is the meaning of Internet Commerce

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