The Future of Intranet and Extranet
Research and consulting project with many companies show not only their success with intranets, but that intranets and extranets will become even more pervasive in the business future.
One recurring theme for the future of intranets and extranets is the need to move beyond information publishing applications into enterprise information portal-enabled applications.
For example companies are planning more inquiry processing and transaction processing applications that tie the internet, intranets and extranets to mainframe and other legacy systems and databases.
Though such applications are more costly and difficult to develop, many companies are forging ahead.
These intranet using companies are in the process of web-enabling operational and managerial support applications, including online transaction processing, database integration and executive information and decision support.
For example, a sales inventory application might accept an order at a company’s World Wide Web site and then trigger on intranet search engine to search an internal inventory database for the product’s stock status.
Then a picking list and shipping notice would be prepared at the company’s warehouse intranet site.
Finally an e-mail’s message and invoice would be generated and sent via extranet to he customer’s own enterprise information portal.
The Future of Intranet and Extranet
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