Microcomputers are designed for a single-user environment and small business applications. However, more and more business people are using microcomputers for both multi-user networks and business applications.
For example, a business person can use a microcomputer to organize financial transactions, prepare corporate tax return to update the inventory that they provide solutions for most business applications.
Currently, there are two major microcomputer systems available in the market. They are IBM-compatible system and the Apple system. Both system use different platforms (operating system) to control the hardware.
The IBM-compatible system uses a Windows operating system developed by Microsoft. The Windows operating system provides a graphical user interface (GUI) and a multitasking environment. The Windows operating system dominate most of the microcomputer operating system market.
Apple’s Macintosh uses a totally different operating system developed by Apple Computer. However, it is suggested that the average business person use IBM system because of greater compatibility, wider program availability, and more open platform.