In the emerging economy there is a new infrastructure, based on the internet, that is causing us to scrutinies most of our assumptions about the business. As a skin of networks - growing in ubiquity, robustness, bandwidth, and function - covers the skin of the planet, new models of how wealth is created are emerging.

Monday, May 26, 2008

E-Business Application

E-Business Application
Enterprise communications and collaboration application support communication, coordination, and collaboration among the members of business teams and workgroups.

For example, employees and external consultants on a project team may use the Internet, intranets, and extranets to support electronic mail, videoconferencing, electronic discussion groups, and project websites to communicate and collaborate on business projects.

Electronic commerce applications support the buying and selling of products, services, and information over the Internet and extranets. For example, many business uses E-commerce websites for business-to-business and business-to-consumer sales and support, use extranets so large customers can excess the company’s inventory databases, and use a corporate intranet so employees can easily look up customer records on intranet servers.

Internal business applications of an E-business enterprise support a company‘s internal business processes and operations.

For example, employees may use an intranet enterprise information portal to excess benefits information on a human resource department server.

Or a company may link an intranet to the internet so managers can make inquiries, generate reports, and access corporate databases from anywhere in the world.
E-Business Application

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