In the emerging economy there is a new infrastructure, based on the internet, that is causing us to scrutinies most of our assumptions about the business. As a skin of networks - growing in ubiquity, robustness, bandwidth, and function - covers the skin of the planet, new models of how wealth is created are emerging.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016


An algorithm is a set of instructions for solving a problem or subproblem in a finite amount of time using a finite amount of data.

It is the key concept of computer science. Two fundamental operations performed by almost every information management application are searching and sorting.

In their most basic forms, search algorithms scan through a collection to locate a particular item of interest and sort algorithms reorganize collections so they are put in particular order.

There are two basic searches for lists:
*Sequential search
*Binary search

Sequential search can be used to locate an item in any list, whereas binary search requires the list to be sorted.

Correctness is the property reflecting the extent to which the algorithm is able to reach a solution without errors. For example the sequence of actions necessary for the collection of a sum of money through ATM machines. The sequence of actions is, necessarily, prearranged and therefore any alteration of the sequence can cause an error jeopardizing its result (missing issue of banknotes, ejections of ten card, etc).

The efficiency of an algorithm is the property that regards the rapidity by which a solution is reached.

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